Our Commitment to Quality
At Martha Trust we strive to deliver the very best level of care, with quality and the welfare of our residents at the forefront of the services we provide. We aim to be transparent in everything we do.
Active Support at Martha
Active Support is an initiative introduced as ‘Good Practice’ through the ‘Department of Health’s Creating an Ordinary Life’ programme. It aims to empower people with learning disabilities to participate in everyday activities and take greater control over decisions about their lives and care. When people have difficulty communicating verbally, assumptions are often made about their needs and their ability to make choices.
Rather than relying on verbal communication, Active Support brings together all forms of communication from gestures and sign language to body language and symbols. It focuses on intense interaction, building meaningful relationships and boosting self-esteem and it gives people the confidence and the opportunities to make their voice heard.
Active Support is making a very real difference to the way we communicate and interact at Martha. It improves engagement, increases choice and promotes independence among the people we support. Above all, it helps us to achieve our aim: to improve the quality of life for people with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities.
To find out more about Active Support visit ARC UK
Our latest CQC reports are available online
Martha Trust has also volunteered to be a CQC Pilot Site to help CQC tailor their inspections to homes that support people with PMLD.
Martha and Frances House, Deal
Mary House, Hastings
We are aware that our latest CQC report for Mary House does not reflect our own high expectations, and the hard work of our team. Planned improvements were hampered during the Covid pandemic, with the subsequent staff shortages in the care sector continuing to contribute to this. We are currently working with all stakeholders on a plan to ensure that Mary House regains its overall Good rating as soon as possible. We thank all our people for their ongoing hard work and commitment to these plans, and welcome applications from people who would like to consider working for Martha Trust and who share our vision to learn, improve and succeed.
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223