Latest news from Martha Trust

Martha TrustBarclays supports the Martha Trust Fashion Show

Posted on 1 March 2012 | No comments | Tags: , ,

Four members of the Sandwich and Broadstairs branches of Barclays will be lending a hand at the forthcoming Martha Trust Fashion Show on Thursday 22 March 2012.

Martha TrustMobility Cuts – DLA Victory Confirmed

Posted on 20 November 2011 | No comments

Martha Trust has applauded news that the Government will no longer be removing the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance. In a move that would have affected some 80,000 disabled people in residential care, Martha Trust estimated that the cuts could cost the charity nearly £60,000 a year.

Martha TrustGlenda Roberts joins Martha Trust

Posted on 1 November 2011 | No comments

Glenda Roberts has become the new Home Care Manager for Martha House and Frances House in Deal. Previously a Deputy Director of Nursing at a residential, nursing and dementia care centre in Clapham, Glenda moved to Kent for the sea air and to find space for her animals.

Martha TrustA New Dawn

Posted on 10 September 2011 | No comments

George White is to become the new Chief Executive of Martha Trust. George White will be joining Martha Trust from the Ladywell Retreat Centre in Surrey, where he oversaw a large estate, a care home for elderly religious sisters and a retreat centre.