Latest news from Martha Trust

Cyclists in a spin for Martha

Posted on 12 October 2012 | No comments | Tags: , , , ,

We’d like to thank everyone who took part in our 2 hour Sponsored Spin on Saturday 3 March – particularly the 18 people who cycled a combined total of 525 miles!

Martha TrustCoach and Horses Quiz Night

Posted on 12 October 2012 | No comments | Tags: , ,

A big Thank you to The Coach & Horses in Hacklinge, Deal who have just donated the proceeds from its regular, monthly pub quizzes to Martha Trust. The quizzes are run by Peter Jones, a quiz master who spends up to 10 hours researching questions for every quiz, without going near a computer. In all, the Coach and Horses managed to raise £991.

Martha TrustWoodland wonderland

Posted on 11 October 2012 | No comments | Tags: , , ,

A team from Barclays in Ashford has been pulling out all the stops for Martha Trust recently. Supported by valuable matched funding from Barclays they volunteered to run the brilliantly successful raffle and auction at our recent Wine Tasting in Sandwich.

Martha TrustBowling club on a roll for Martha

Posted on 5 October 2012 | No comments | Tags: ,

Roy Cornock and Dave Bennett, bowlers at Victoria Park Bowls Club in Deal, have just presented Martha Trust with a cheque for £550.

The Bonkers in Barcelona teamsBonkers in Barcelona

Posted on 30 September 2012 | No comments | Tags: , , ,

The teams from Bonkers in Barcelona have made it back in one piece following a 1,300 kilometre trip from Dover to Barcelona in just four days.

Deal Anniversary Garden Party 201225th Anniversary Garden party Deal

Posted on 27 July 2012 | No comments | Tags: , ,

To commemorate our 25th Anniversary in Deal, we threw a very English garden party complete with cream teas and croquet. Around 60 people joined us including our residents and their families, donors and supporters, volunteers and local dignitaries.

Kitchen gardenGrow your own

Posted on 6 July 2012 | No comments | Tags: , ,

When a team from the Pfizer site in Sandwich recently ran a fun run, a group of staff and residents from Martha Trust went along to offer their support. The event went so well it inspired Janet Rhodes and David Ashurst to volunteer for some much-needed gardening at our homes in Deal.

Wine tasting with Barclays teamWine Tasting event raises £3,000

Posted on 2 July 2012 | No comments | Tags: , , , ,

Around 100 people joined us in the beautiful grounds of Salutation House in Sandwich for our annual Wine Tasting. Hercules Wine Warehouse not only supplied a magnificent selection of wines but were on hand with advice and expertise at stations dotted around the gardens. Canapés were available alongside the wine, courtesy of Millards Insurance Services and the entire event was accompanied by music from the Segno Clarinet Ensemble.

Fashion Show modelsFashion show

Posted on 26 March 2012 | No comments | Tags: , , , ,

Our fantastic fashion show at St George’s Church, Deal was a huge success, raising an incredible £3,500. Thank you to everyone who took part and supported us including the wonderful Johnny Lewis from KMFM and the fabulous team at Barclays who not only served refreshments and took auction bids throughout the night, but secured matched funding from Barclays.

Martha TrustBNI Sandwich lights up for Martha

Posted on 10 March 2012 | No comments | Tags: , ,

BNI Sandwich has just donated £210 to Martha following a Christmas lights display at the house of a BNI member, who charged companies a small fee to have their logos displayed. Funds were also raised in fines for, amongst other things, mobile phones going off during BNI meetings and members not wearing their badges.