Martha Trust car challenge – a guide to fundraising

By taking part in the annual Martha Trust car challenge you’ll be helping to transform the lives of people with profound disabilities.

Thank you for signing up to the latest Martha Trust car challenge. The money you raise will have a real impact on the lives of our residents, giving them the best opportunities to lead full, happy and active lives.

Get cracking!

Kick start your fundraising with our specially designed toolkit. Our toolkit includes everything you’ll need to reach your £1,500 target including a fundraising guide, promotional posters, sample letters, sponsorship forms, key dates and ideas on how to find your car. All items are available to download for free. Go to the Monte Carlo Madness fundraising toolkit.

Whatever you do to raise your £1,500 for Martha Trust remember we’re here to help every step of the way.

Carol and Kerry, from the Martha Trust fundraising team, will be on hand throughout the challenge to offer you advice, guidance and support. So if you’re struggling, or just need a few words of encouragement, give them a call.

Thank you to everyone taking part in our 2022 car challenge!

Once again thank you for signing up to our car challenge and bon voyage!

Find out more

Call our fundraising team on 01304 610448 email

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