Monte Carlo Madness 2025 registration form

Monte Carlo Madness 2025 Thank you for your interest in our 2025 car challenge Monte Carlo Madness! To register, please complete the form below, you can either choose to pay your non-refundable registration fee of £400 now or at a later date. Please also check our FAQs for any questions you might have about the event.

Payment of non-refundable registration fee (required)

Team details


Participant 1 details (main contact)

(required - please give your name as it appears on your passport)
(required for booking flights)

Martha Trust would like to keep you updated on our future news, fundraising activities and ways to support us. To opt in to receiving information from Martha Trust, please tick how you would prefer to be contacted:

or email

We do not sell or swap your details with any third parties, but in order to carry out our work we may need to pass your details to services companies authorised to act on our behalf.

Participant 2 details

(required - please give your name as it appears on your passport)
(required for booking flights)

Martha Trust would like to keep you updated on our future news, fundraising activities and ways to support us. To opt in to receiving information from Martha Trust, please tick how you would prefer to be contacted:

or email

We do not sell or swap your details with any third parties, but in order to carry out our work we may need to pass your details to services companies authorised to act on our behalf.

Terms and conditions

I acknowledge and fully understand that by taking part in the Monte Carlo Madness challenge for Martha Trust on 20th September - 23rd September 2025, I am responsible for ensuring my own health and safety and that of others at all times. I acknowledge and fully understand that Martha Trust accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage which I may suffer or cause to others, however it may be caused and that I am taking part entirely on this basis. I confirm that my vehicle does have insurance, a valid MOT and that I have a valid driving licence and passport; and that I am aware my vehicle will need a Crit'Air sticker to drive in France. I also accept that if I choose a route other than the one suggested at the beginning of the trip, then I do so without the support of Martha Trust's event organiser and accept responsibility for any damage or problems that occur from.