Our annual Golf Day at Prince’s Raises over £8,000

The Martha Trust Golf day in association with John Shepherd held at Prince’s Golf Club, Sandwich Bay was a fantastic success raising over £8,000 for the Trust.
Golfers travelled from far and wide including a group of five visiting from The Netherlands.
The auction was brilliantly hosted by Kev Gilbert from Clive Emson Land & Property Auctioneers and included some incredible prizes like corporate tickets to Old Trafford Manchester United game, a signed football from the Manchester United Football Club first team plus many 4 balls including Royal St George’s Golf Club and Prince’s Golf Club.
Former West Indies and Kent Cricketer John Shepherd supported the day.
Thank you to all of the following sponsors who helped make the event such a success:
Hutchings Timber Castles Removals, Sandwich Co-op, PostageSupermarket, Solley’s Ice Cream, Rotary Club of Sandwich and Lydden Bell Caterers sponsored golf holes and Barclays Bank who gave their match funding for the day
Martha Trust would like to congratulate all the winning teams and thank everyone who took part, Prince’s Golf Club for the amazing venue, Rob McGuirk from Prince’s for all his support and John Shepherd for hosting such a great event.
Martha Trust will be holding two golf days next year at Walmer & Kingsdown Golf Club on Friday 26th April 2019 and Prince’s Golf Club on 17th October 2019.
If you would like to register your interest to play or sponsor either of these events, please contact Kerry Banks on 01304 610448 or email kerrybanks@marthatrust.org.uk
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223