A round of applause for our Mary House Choir

Our Mary House choirs first concert was a great success, the audience of over 60 friends and family packed into the lounge. With ticket sales and the amazing cake sale they raised £388 for Martha.
The Choir sounded great and they received lots of applause, and laughs from the audience, especially when Owen, the Registered Home Manager at Mary House, performed his solo with his tin whistle.
Thank you to everyone who attended and donated cakes for the sale, special thanks goes to Julie Roach and Kiri Stammers who decorated the whole home with homemade bunting and, along with Juliette Lindsay, made an huge variety of cakes and organised the selling of them on the day.
Why not hold your own concert in aid of Martha, contact the fundraising team for promotional posters and collection pots to support your event, call 01304 610448 or email fundraising@marthatrust.org.uk
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223