Coach & Horses raises £825

Martha Trust in Hacklinge, Deal has just been presented with a cheque for £835 from its local pub the Coach & Horses.
Each month the Coach & Horses runs a quiz night and raffle in aid of Martha Trust, the charity that cares for people with profound disabilities across Kent and Sussex. The latest quiz night was a double celebration, marking quiz master Peter Jones’ 65th birthday!
A team from Martha Trust bravely put themselves forward for the quiz and as usual, came in last. Despite their poor performance, though, team members Carol Baalham, Kelly and Elaine Hutchings and Jane Pearson had a fantastic evening and were incredibly grateful to pub landlords Penny and Mike Barnes and to the customers of the Coach & Horses for so generously supporting the vital work of Martha Trust.
In all, the Coach & Horses has raised just over £2,000 for Martha Trust for 2012!
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223