The residents of Sandwich got into the Christmas spirit at the Martha Christmas Fayre

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported our Christmas Fayre at The Guildhall in Sandwich on Saturday 19th November. The day saw a steady stream of visitors and just after lunch we were pleased to welcome the Mayor of Sandwich to Judge our colouring completion.
Special thanks go out to our band of dedicated volunteers, without whom we just couldn’t run such events, the Co-op in Sandwich, whose team supported the event and supplied all the refreshments and Sainsbury’s in Deal for supplying the Christmas Colouring competition prizes. Festive music was provided by the Sandwich Music Group and The Landmark Choir – thank you to them for giving up their Saturday for Martha.
Finally, thank you to all the colouring competition entrants. The event has raised over £1,200!
Get in touch today
Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223