Welcome to David

When David’s condition changed recently, his father James immediately set about finding a place for him at Martha. Now at Martha House in Deal David is really enjoying his new home and, according to his dad “is making epic progress”.
David was adopted in 1991 when he was 12 years old and had a happy and active childhood. While his mobility has reduced over time he can still walk short distances with assistance and interacts incredibly well with the staff at Martha.
David is a really happy and affectionate young man, capable of letting you know exactly what he likes – and doesn’t like! He loves spending time with people and gets a huge amount out of hydrotherapy and sensory sessions, enjoying the stimulation and activity.
David’s family live in Deal and their long association with Martha began with a brief spell of respite care not long after David was first adopted. His brother, Charles, has a couple of friends who work at Martha so it’s no surprise that David has settled in so well.
We wish David every happiness in his new home.
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Martha Trust, Homemead Lane, Hacklinge, Deal, Kent CT14 0PG
01304 615223